Fashion Cravings

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I have finally started my blog!

Well I started it a few months ago, but of course school got in the way but I am finally done school and can now focus on this.

Blogging? Why do people blog? It’s become the new ‘social media’ as PR’s say. I find it quite neat to have a place to express yourself where other people are able to comment on what you say, and they can be very helpful at times. Blogging to me is exactly that, it’s a way for me to express myself and to help others in the specific field I want to get into which is Public Relations (PR). I thought I could start blogging about the different steps I take to get closer to my career. I thought this would be helpful for other students like myself, who ask many professionals within the PR industry, how to start working towards their careers, which volunteer positions to sign up for, which internships to get, etc. So the many posts I will write will be about different positions I have signed up for that will get me the experience I need to get into PR within the fashion/media industry.

Along with these posts, I may even write a few things that are on my mind such as what’s going on with Blair and Chuck from gossip girl? I am so happy that they are finally together! Cannot wait for the third season as well as the fifth season of the Hills, Kristin is sure making herself very comfortable with the cast and isn’t holding anything back. I hope you all will enjoy the future posts of my blog.

Stay tuned =)

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